BSA EU Cybersecurity Dashboard Report – Austria

The purpose of this report — the first-of-its-kind; BSA EU Cybersecurity Dashboard — is to provide government officials in each of the EU Member States with an opportunity to evaluate their country’s policies against these metrics, as well as their European neighbors.

The Austrian Cyber Security Strategy was adopted in 2013.
It is part of a broader ICT security initiative of the Austrian government, as set out in the National ICT Security Strategy 2012.
There are also several public-private partnerships related to cybersecurity operating in the country, such as the Centre for Secure Information Technology Austria (A-SIT) and Kuratorium Sicheres Österreich.
The Austrian Trust Circles provide formal structures for sector-specific information exchanges related to the critical information infrastructure of various sectors.
The Austrian Trust Circles are an initiative of and the Austrian Federal Chancellery.
See full BSA country report here


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