Service design as an innovation approach in technology startups: a longitudinal multiple case study


Service design principles – Descriptive summary (6)

(1) Human‐ and meaning‐centered -Shifts the focus from technology or products to the experiences and values of the people that will be affected by the service design solution.
(2) Co‐creative and inclusive -Provides a space for participation and joint collaboration by multiple actors. It is inclusive in its methods with a goal of identifying the user value of the future context of use.
(3) Transformative and betterment‐oriented -Considers a multi‐part aspect of long‐term impact of the service design solution across organizational, societal, and environmental systems.
(4) Emergent and experimental -Problem and solution aspects of the service design practice are intertwined and emerge together through a service design process that has structure but is often characterized by ambiguity.
(5) Explicative and experientially explicit -Visual representations are essential elements of service design as they bring tangibility to the multiple levels of service consideration. Visualizations are realized through various tools. They are essential for prototyping but are important for other design phases as well.
(6) Holistic and contextual -Service design is systemic and takes a broad perspective when approaching problem‐solving. It uses context complexity as a resource in designing meaningful solutions.
= Service design as an application of “principles”
technology, startups, ServiceDesign, innovation




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